Add a comment to this post with your blog address, so that I will know where to find you. For example, my blog’s address is Use the FULL address, including the http://
Add a comment to this post with your blog address, so that I will know where to find you. For example, my blog’s address is Use the FULL address, including the http://
So, you signed up for an account at WordPress, and you added an About page. Now what’s next?
FIRST: Let me know your blog address by commenting on PRCA 2330 :: Spring 2009 Student Blogs.
NEXT: How do you go about learning more to create a blog that reflects your personality and style?
Fortunately, WordPress offers many FAQ screencasts to help you with the step-by-step instructions. Here are a few of the best ones to help you get started on the right foot:
And though you may have a good handle on the technical aspects of blogging, remember that the technical side is only part of the blogging equation. Corinne Weisgerber, a professor at St. Edward’s University and fellow PROpenMic member, created this presentation for her Social Media for PR class. The emphasis? How blogging can help you create your personal brand online. Take a look. It’s worth the time.
Photo Credit: “1/365” uploaded to Flickr by PhotoJonny
Our One Week of Twitter assignment begins on Thursday, January 22, and will end at midnight on January 29. Your blog post about this experience is due before class on February 2.
Setting Up Your Twitter Account
Setting Up Your Following List
Additional Information
Questions? Just send me a DM (direct message) or an @ (reply) in Twitter!
NOTE: Many thanks to Kaye Sweetser and Karen Russell for their ideas prompting this assignment.
Here’s a fun assignment that you will complete before class on Wednesday, January 14.
Using your choice of software or online service (such as Big Huge Labs at, create a magazine cover that depicts you (personality, background, aspirations) to help your class learn more about you.
Photo Credit:
Here’s a fun assignment that you will present in class on Wednesday, January 14.
Using your choice of software or online service (such as Big Huge Labs at, create a magazine cover that depicts you (personality, background, aspirations) to help your class learn more about you.
Photo Credit:
An Open Note to All of Prof. Nixon’s Students at Georgia Southern University:
We’re almost off and running in our Spring Semester classes at GSU. This semester, I’m teaching two classes; the classes, with hyperlinks to the syllabi, are listed below:
So that we can make the most of this semester, please (PLEASE) take some time to read through the blog posts I’ve included here. I promise you, it will be well worth your time. (How often do professors let you get inside their heads, letting you know their tips for success and their pet peeves?)
Additionally, here are a few more tips:
Let’s make this a great semester together!
Welcome to all my students who have enrolled in PRCA 3339: PR Publications, at Georgia Southern University.
Morton, L. P. (2006). Strategic publications: Designing for target publics. Greenwood, AR: Best Books Plus.
Recommended but not required: Botello, C., & Reding, E. E. (2007). Design collection revealed: Adobe InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3 & Illustrator CS3
Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Social Media
Be prepared to immerse yourself in social media as part of this course. If you want to get a jumpstart before classes begin, you might want to do the following:
Additional Items
And last but not least, here’s a copy of your syllabus for the semester including our daily schedule of activities. You can view the syllabus online below or download it for easy printing at prca-3339-spring-2009
A hearty welcome to all my new students who have enrolled in PRCA 2330: Introduction to Public Relations, at Georgia Southern University.
Wilcox, D.L., & Cameron, G.T. (2009). Public relations: Strategies and tactics (9th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Recommended but not required: Li, C., & Bernoff, J. (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston, MA: Forrester Research, Inc.
Social Media
Be prepared to immerse yourself in social media as part of Intro to PR. If you want to get a jumpstart before classes begin, you might want to do the following:
Additional Items
And last but not least, here’s a copy of your syllabus for the semester. By the end of the first week of class, you’ll also have our daily schedule of activities. You can view the syllabus online below or download it for easy printing atprca-2330-spring-2009.
The final project in PRCA 3339 (PR Publications) was a four-page newsletter for a non-profit organization, accompanied by a paper. The newsletter itself was worth 50% of the grade, with the paper worth the remaining 50%. A rubric was provided so that students could know exactly how the assignment would be graded. Though many students produced stellar newsletters, there were some common errors.
Common Errors in the Paper
Common Errors/Problems in the Newsletter
Since it hasn’t been so long since I was a student myself, I can definitely relate to the stress involved during finals week. My best advice? Not “take a deep breath.” It’s exhale.
According to the International Breath Institute, “‘Take a deep breath’ can [actually] be very bad advice to someone who is feeling anxious or is agitated.” To balance your CO2 levels, inhale, then make your exhale last twice as long. You’ll definitely feel a difference.
I keep a framed kanji of the word “exhale” on my wall. When I’m feeling out of sorts, a quick glance at the kanji reminds me to do what’s best for me, to exhale.
In closing, here’s a wonderful quote by Koichi Tohei: “Breathe out so your breath travels to heaven.” Keep this in mind the next time you are feeling stressed.
Photo Credit: