Below you will find the syllabi for my two Fall 2011 classes at Southeastern University.
Arrive, Survive and Thrive in Prof. Nixon’s Summer Classes
An Open Note to All of Prof. Nixon’s Students at Georgia Southern University:
We’re almost off and running in our Summer Semester classes at GSU. This summer, I’m teaching three courses, and they are all taught online. The syllabi will be e-mailed to all my enrolled students, and I’m also posting links to them (on Scribd) here.
- Introduction to Public Relations
- Public Relations Writing
- Making Connections: Facebook & Beyond (not yet available)
So that we can make the most of this semester, please (Please, PLEASE) take some time to read through the blog posts I’ve included here. I promise you, it will be well worth your time. (How often do professors let you get inside their heads, letting you know their tips for success and their pet peeves?)
- Prof. Nixon’s Teaching & Learning Philosophy
- How to Fail a Class (Without Really Trying)
- Ten Ways NOT to Prepare for College Advising
- My End of Semester Rant, Kinda
Additionally, here are a few more tips:
- When communicating with me via e-mail (or Facebook), always put your course number (such as PRCA 3330) in the subject line to help me immediately identify who you are and frame your questions or comments. Do your best to write in full sentences, paying attention to standard English grammar and spelling. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name, as your GSU e-mail address will not make that readily apparent to me.
- When submiting an assignment in GeorgiaVIEW, always put your last name as part of the file name, and also include your name in the document itself. Papers submitted without your last name as part of the file name cannot earn full credit.
- If an assignment is due in GeorgiaVIEW, the only way to get full credit for the assignment is to submit it in GeorgiaVIEW. (E-mailing an assignment to me can be risky; I receive 250+ e-mails a day, and there’s a chance I will not even see it in my inbox.)
- Follow me on Twitter, if you really want to get inside my head. (What’s Twitter?)
Let’s make this a great semester together!
(PS: If you’re one of my students reading this post, please leave a reply to this post so that I can know you have read it. If your reply doesn’t show up immediately, no worries — I may need to approve it before it appears, if you’ve never commented on my blog before.)
Jumpstart on Nixon’s Spring 2010 GSU Classes
If you’re looking to get a jumpstart on my classes at Georgia Southern University this spring, here are the books that I will be using. I’ve linked to many of them at, but of course you can purchase them from anywhere you like. I recommend you try the Facebook Marketplace first, so you can get a good deal AND help a fellow student.
For all my classes
- Reliable Internet access
- Headset/mic (for interaction in online class discussions)
Social Media for Public Relations (PRCA 3030)
- Hay, D. (2009). A Survival Guide to Social Media and Web 2.0 Optimization: Strategies, Tactics, and Tools for Succeeding in the Social Web. Dalton Publishing: Austin, TX.
- Li, C., & Bernoff, J. (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston, MA: Forrester Research, Inc.
Public Relations Writing (PRCA 3330)
- Wilcox, D. (2009). Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques (6th Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
- A recent The Associated Press Stylebook 2009
, preferably 43rd edition (red cover) — or its online equivalent
Public Relations Practicum (PRCA 3711/4711)
- WinWay Resume Deluxe 12 software
Making Connections: Facebook and Beyond (FYE 1220)
- No textbook needed
Questions? As always,
(PS: Syllabi for my classes will be posted in early January.)
Arrive, Survive and Thrive in Prof. Nixon’s Classes :: Summer 2009
An Open Note to All of Prof. Nixon’s Students at Georgia Southern University:
We’re almost off and running in our Summer Semester classes at GSU. This semester, I’m teaching two classes; the classes, with hyperlinks to the syllabi, are listed below:
So that we can make the most of this semester, please (PLEASE) take some time to read through the blog posts I’ve included here. I promise you, it will be well worth your time. (How often do professors let you get inside their heads, letting you know their tips for success and their pet peeves?)
- Prof. Nixon’s Teaching & Learning Philosophy
- How to Fail a Class (WIthout Really Trying)
- Ten Ways NOT to Prepare for College Advising
- My End of Semester Rant, Kinda
Additionally, here are a few more tips:
- When communicating with me via e-mail (or Facebook), please put your course number (such as PRCA 3339) in the subject line to help me immediately identify who you are and frame your questions or comments. Do your best to write in full sentences, paying attention to standard English grammar and spelling. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name, as your GSU e-mail address will not make that readily apparent to me.
- When submiting an assignment in GeorgiaVIEW, always put your last name as part of the file name, and also include your name in the document itself. Papers submitted without your last name as part of the file name cannot earn full credit.
- If an assignment is due in GeorgiaVIEW, the only way to get full credit for the assignment is to submit it in GeorgiaVIEW. (E-mailing an assignment to me can be risky; I receive 250+ e-mails a day, and there’s a chance I will not see it in my inbox.)
- Follow me on Twitter, if you really want to get inside my head. (What’s Twitter?)
Let’s make this a great semester together!
Arrive, Survive & Thrive in Prof. Nixon’s Classes :: Spring 2009
An Open Note to All of Prof. Nixon’s Students at Georgia Southern University:
We’re almost off and running in our Spring Semester classes at GSU. This semester, I’m teaching two classes; the classes, with hyperlinks to the syllabi, are listed below:
So that we can make the most of this semester, please (PLEASE) take some time to read through the blog posts I’ve included here. I promise you, it will be well worth your time. (How often do professors let you get inside their heads, letting you know their tips for success and their pet peeves?)
- Prof. Nixon’s Teaching & Learning Philosophy
- How to Fail a Class (WIthout Really Trying)
- Ten Ways NOT to Prepare for College Advising
- My End of Semester Rant, Kinda
Additionally, here are a few more tips:
- When communicating with me via e-mail (or Facebook), please put your course number (such as PRCA 3339) in the subject line to help me immediately identify who you are and frame your questions or comments. Do your best to write in full sentences, paying attention to standard English grammar and spelling. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name, as your GSU e-mail address will not make that readily apparent to me.
- When submiting an assignment in GeorgiaVIEW, always put your last name as part of the file name, and also include your name in the document itself. Papers submitted without your last name as part of the file name cannot earn full credit.
- Follow me on Twitter, if you really want to get inside my head. (What’s Twitter?)
Let’s make this a great semester together!
Welcome to PRCA 3339 :: PR Publications, Spring 2009
Welcome to all my students who have enrolled in PRCA 3339: PR Publications, at Georgia Southern University.
Morton, L. P. (2006). Strategic publications: Designing for target publics. Greenwood, AR: Best Books Plus.
Recommended but not required: Botello, C., & Reding, E. E. (2007). Design collection revealed: Adobe InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3 & Illustrator CS3
Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Social Media
Be prepared to immerse yourself in social media as part of this course. If you want to get a jumpstart before classes begin, you might want to do the following:
- Sign up for an account at Twitter. (What’s Twitter?) Use some variation of your real first and/or last name. (Do not include any numbers with your name, or you may risk appearing like a spammer.) Follow me at Twitter by going to .
- Join PR OpenMic, an online community for public relations students, practitioners and faculty.
Additional Items
- USB drive
And last but not least, here’s a copy of your syllabus for the semester including our daily schedule of activities. You can view the syllabus online below or download it for easy printing at prca-3339-spring-2009

Getting Ready for Spring 2009 PRCA 2330
A hearty welcome to all my new students who have enrolled in PRCA 2330: Introduction to Public Relations, at Georgia Southern University.
Wilcox, D.L., & Cameron, G.T. (2009). Public relations: Strategies and tactics (9th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Purchasing the hardcover book is about $90 at,
- You can rent the hardcover book for about $50 from Chegg.
- Or you can rent an electronic version of the book from CourseSmart for about $60.
Recommended but not required: Li, C., & Bernoff, J. (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston, MA: Forrester Research, Inc.
Social Media
Be prepared to immerse yourself in social media as part of Intro to PR. If you want to get a jumpstart before classes begin, you might want to do the following:
- Sign up for an account at Twitter. (What’s Twitter?) Use some variation of your real first and/or last name. (Do not include any numbers with your name, or you may risk appearing like a spammer.) Follow me at Twitter by going to .
- Join PR OpenMic, an online community for public relations students, practitioners and faculty.
Additional Items
- Pack of multi-color markers (you will need these on the first day)
- USB drive
- Occasional use of a notebook computer in class
And last but not least, here’s a copy of your syllabus for the semester. By the end of the first week of class, you’ll also have our daily schedule of activities. You can view the syllabus online below or download it for easy printing atprca-2330-spring-2009.