New to PR? Avoid These Typical News Release Errors

When you’re drafting a news release, the devil’s in the details, especially with AP style. It’s a bit like Goldilocks: not too hot, not too cold, but just right. For example, get your dateline city names in ALL CAPS. It’s a spotlight on where the action is happening. And those state abbreviations? They’re not a free-for-all; they’ve got to match AP’s specific style.

Headlines, though? They’re more of a low-key affair. Stick to sentence case—only the first word and proper nouns earn the right to a capital letter. It’s like a calm handshake compared to a high-five. And when releasing your news, timing is everything. “For Immediate Release” can scream urgency, but sometimes a specific date whispers professionalism.

Remember, too, that active voice is your friend. It strides confidently into the room, while passive voice might just hover at the door. These aren’t just tips; they’re the threads that weave your news release into a tapestry of credibility. Let’s zoom in and fine-tune these elements, ensuring your news release hits all the right notes with the precision of a professional.

Common Errors to Avoid

Below are some more of the most common errors I tend to see in the first news releases written by public relations students.

  • Forgetting that a news release needs to be NEWSWORTHY
  • AP style errors, most notably including a serial comma, capitalizing titles after a name and improper abbreviations
  • Some cities don’t need states in the dateline.
  • Missing a strong summary lede
  • Missing the nut graf
  • Missing required elements, such as end marks, contact information and boilerplate content
  • Including exclamation points unless they are part of a quotation from a source
  • Using I/we/our, unless you are using a direct quotation. The story should read as though it is from a journalist, not a PR practitioner or the client.
  • Editorializing in a news story.
  • Failing to use a quotation or two to liven up the story

So what’s the best way to avoid these errors? Read news releases from written by public relations practitioners. And just like getting to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.

PR Pros & Journalists: What other mistakes do you tend to see new public relations writers make?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening

Image Credit: Created using DALL-E 3

Distributing News to the Media

Play by Niecieden.Writing a news release is all well and good . .  . but if it is not sent to the media for (potential) distribution, it’s a futile effort. I created this small crossword puzzle to help students understand some of the wide variety of options when it comes to news distribution channels. Try it out!

NOTE: Most clues in the puzzle come from:

Wilcox, D. (2009). Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques (6th Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

The Anatomy of a News Release :: A Baker’s Dozen

The week of February 22, my PR Writing classes are learning about the components of a news release and writing their first news releases. I have recorded this short presentation for them to share “The Anatomy of a News Release :: A Baker’s Dozen.”

NOTE: I lost my voice earlier this week, and my voice is still pretty wimpy in this recording.

In order to benefit from this presentation, it’s best to have a news release from an organization–any organization–handy so that you can see how the 13 elements are used in “real life.” Go out to your favorite organization or company online, search for a section of the website called “News Room” or something similar, and find a news release there. This week, my favorite product is Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat Tea, so here’s a link to TM’s Press & Media section of its site.

Search Engine Optimization for Newbies

As part of PRCA 3030 (Social Media for PR), students are developing search engine optimized news releases. To help provide some background beyond the required reading of Edelman’s position paper, here are two sessions offered as part of Hubspot’s Inbound Marketing University that should prove to be quite helpful for those new to SEO.

As described on the Inbound Marketing University website,

In this class, you will learn the basics of SEO from Lee himself, as he walks you through how to optimize your website to start getting found in search engines.

So here is an introduction to SEO, by Lee Odden from TopRank Online Marketing:


And for those who are curious and want to know even more, there’s also a session on Advanced SEO Tactics led by Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz.

Poynter’s NewsU Classes for #PRCA3330 & #COMM4333

For spring semester’s PR Writing courses that I’m teaching for Georgia Southern University and Southeastern University, I am augmenting my own content and our textbook with several courses offered by Poynter’s NewsU.

Here are the courses we’ll be using:

Each of the courses concludes with a quiz. Please have the quiz score come to my university e-mail account.

[UPDATE: Complete the NewsU quiz for the course by Saturday midnight during the week it’s assigned.]



News Release Pet Peeves

driven crazyOn Twitter this evening, I noticed that Jeremy Pepper (host of Pop! PR Jots) had started a discussion about things that drive him crazy in news releases. The discussion started like this: “Press release pet peeves: For Immediate Release. Really!? Is that why you sent it out over the wire at that time? Or did you want a delay?”

I started wondering what some other news release pet peeves are.

As for me, mispelt misspelled words make me want to pull my hair out. If I find a misspelled word, it always makes me concerned that will be other, less obvious, mistakes, too.

So (here’s where the audience participation part comes in), what are YOUR pet peeves in press releases?