We’re All Journalists

At a Poynter Institute seminar kickoff today, about a dozen faculty members from Statesboro to San Luis Obispo and from Miami Beach to Toronto gathered to discuss “Teaching Diversity Across the Curriculum.” In Poynter’s words, “If tomorrow’s journalists are to report and write about a dynamic, increasingly diverse society, they’ll need guidance in the classroom. Whatever the course, there’s a place for teaching diversity — issues of race, ethnicity and gender — across the journalism curriculum.”

What do journalists stand for? Here are many of the ideas we brainstormed, in no particular order:

  • Truth, justice & the American way
  • Accuracy
  • Ethics
  • Fairness
  • Completeness, over the long haul
  • Honesty
  • Self-awareness
  • Integrity
  • Mensch (a Yiddish term)
  • Currency (being current)
  • Relevance
  • Accountability
  • Power (as journalists, we have it and must use it wisely)
  • Power of storytelling
  • Understanding (by the journalist, of the people and their issues)
  • Balance
  • Principles
  • Love of storytelling
  • Love of writing
  • Love of reading
  • Transparency
  • Empathy

Do you know an excellent story when you read one? What makes a story excellent? Here are some of our thoughts. Again, these are in no particular order:

  • Transports you
  • Universality
  • Passion
  • Rich characters that you care about (even if you don’t like them)
  • It’s about people
  • Tension à resolution
  • Something new
  • Gripping, through use of quotations and anecdotes
  • Great words
  • Anticipation
  • Balance
  • Visuals through wordcrafting
  • Opens new vistas for us
  • Structure
  • Seamless scene setting
  • Sense of time and place
  • Compelling
  • Imaginative / creative
  • Permanence
  • Discipline

Seminar leader Lillian Dunlap shared a formula with us, which I’ve graphically represented below.

Stay tuned for more as this weeklong seminar progresses.

If Only I’d Known . . .

Back in the dark ages (two years ago), Todd Defren of SHIFT Communications wrote a pair of blog postings about the state of public relations education for undergrads. He wrote about The Trouble with Undergrad PR Programs and Fixing Undergrad PR Programs. Since I teach public relations at Georgia Southern University, this topic piqued my interest. I wondered if his thoughts and research from two years ago still held true today.

If you are a recent PR graduate (or current intern), I’d be quite interested to learn a few things:

  • What’s something you learned in your PR education that you’re applying on a regular basis at work now?
  • What’s something that you wish you had learned more about?
  • And, what’s something that you didn’t really learn anything about in your classes that you’re expected to do on a (fairly) regular basis in your new career in PR?

Comments from recent grads and those who hire recent grads are quite welcome!

Photo titled “graduates” originally uploaded to Flickr by SuzanneK

News Release Pet Peeves

driven crazyOn Twitter this evening, I noticed that Jeremy Pepper (host of Pop! PR Jots) had started a discussion about things that drive him crazy in news releases. The discussion started like this: “Press release pet peeves: For Immediate Release. Really!? Is that why you sent it out over the wire at that time? Or did you want a delay?”

I started wondering what some other news release pet peeves are.

As for me, mispelt misspelled words make me want to pull my hair out. If I find a misspelled word, it always makes me concerned that will be other, less obvious, mistakes, too.

So (here’s where the audience participation part comes in), what are YOUR pet peeves in press releases?


Drats! I Forgot to Include the Attachment . . . Again

Remember (image provided by World of Stock)Ever forget to include an attachment when you sent an e-mail? I bet we all have. It can be frustrating at best and can help you lose a client at the worst.

Here’s my #1 tip that may help you avoid forgetting in the future:

Before you write anything in the message, attach the file.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used this little tip. Easy, no?

Facebook: wld u do this IRL?

What passes for normal on Facebook might never happen in real life. Would you literally write on a friend’s wall? Do you really want to be friends with someone you didn’t like when you were in class together? Do you poke people with your index finger often? Idiots of Ants (idiot savants?) created this great little video clip. Gotta love the British humour.

Thanks go to Donna Pappacosta‘s Twitter feed for pointing this clip out.

How Not to Lose Your USB Drive

Ever lose your USB drive? I think we’ve all left it someplace at one time or another. It’s an awful feeling to think you’ve lost everything. Here are some tips that may help.

First, and most importantly, ONLY use your USB drive for transport. Never use it as the only place you’ve saved a file. Ever. (Got that?)

Second, e-mail critical files to yourself before you leave the library, lab, or wherever you’re using your USB drive. That way, if the drive gets misplaced, you’ll still have a copy of the really important stuff. 

Third, attach your USB drive to your keys. It’s unlikely that you’d leave your keys behind.

Fourth, write your name on the outside of your USB drive with a Sharpie. Or, if it’s a dark USB drive, write your name on a tiny piece of paper and tape it to the drive. 

Fifth, create a simple TXT file that you put in the root of your USB drive. Save the file with the name “Thank you for finding my USB drive” so that if an honest person finds the drive, it will be easy to get it returned to you. Put the following information in the file:

Owner Information:
Your Name
Address (optional)
Phone Number(s)
E-mail Address

And finally, if you decide that your USB drive is dirty and needs washing in the pocket of your jeans (like I did last week), it may still be usable. Take the cap off and hang or place it upside down to dry. Let it dry for a day or two before trying to use it again.

My End-of-Semester Rant, Kinda

On my campus, and probably on most campuses, it’s finals time.

If you’re a parent, it’s time to send off a final exam care package.

If you’re a faculty member, it means even more. Here are a few of my thoughts as the semester winds down.

Students are stressed because “they are so busy.”

Juggling KnivesHINT: Yes, I know you feel busy now. And this is great prep for you when you get into the working world. You’ve known all semester that you have these projects due at the same time. In the world of PR, you’ve got to be ready to juggle. And not just juggling scarves or bowling pins; those are too easy. Think juggling knives while walking on a tightrope over flames. (Isn’t that an awesome graphic? It came from mike r baker‘s website. Check out his other stuff!)

Students are coming to me (usually by e-mail, but sometimes in person) asking about what their grades are so far.

HINT: I post everything in WebCT Vista, so this is info that you have immediate access to all throughout the semester. Please don’t wait until the end of the semester to check your progress.

Students (not all, but some) are upset about their grades and seem surprised it’s because they left out big parts of their projects/assignments.

HINT: And this one’s a big one. I give detailed assignment guidelines for all major – and most minor – assignments. I even provide a link to the rubrics (here’s one for the Newsletter for my PR Publications Class) for most assignments early in the semester. What more can I do to ensure that you know how you will what needs to be included and how you will be graded? (That’s a real question, not a rhetorical one.)

Students follow the advice and guidelines they’ve been given and do extremely well on their assignments. These are the kind of students that employers look forward to hiring.

HINT: It does happen every semester. At least a few people in each class “get it,” and make it all worthwhile for me. If you’re one of these people, THANK U

Media Kits

What should go into a media kit? Why would a public relations practitioner want to use one? How are they distributed? And what’s this about a new Social Media Release?

These were the topics in this morning’s PR Writing class.

For a lot more information on the Social Media Release, see the PR Squared blog (thanks, Todd!). And for an easy-to-use SMR template that will let you publish to WordPress for free, see PRX Builder.

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