News Release Pet Peeves

driven crazyOn Twitter this evening, I noticed that Jeremy Pepper (host of Pop! PR Jots) had started a discussion about things that drive him crazy in news releases. The discussion started like this: “Press release pet peeves: For Immediate Release. Really!? Is that why you sent it out over the wire at that time? Or did you want a delay?”

I started wondering what some other news release pet peeves are.

As for me, mispelt misspelled words make me want to pull my hair out. If I find a misspelled word, it always makes me concerned that will be other, less obvious, mistakes, too.

So (here’s where the audience participation part comes in), what are YOUR pet peeves in press releases?


Drats! I Forgot to Include the Attachment . . . Again

Remember (image provided by World of Stock)Ever forget to include an attachment when you sent an e-mail? I bet we all have. It can be frustrating at best and can help you lose a client at the worst.

Here’s my #1 tip that may help you avoid forgetting in the future:

Before you write anything in the message, attach the file.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used this little tip. Easy, no?

Edelman Digital Bootcamp: Energizing and Exhausting