PRCA 2330 :: Blogging Feedback, Take One

I feel good! by Pulpolux !!!.In my PRCA 2330 class, students have created their blogs and have started blogging. Here are some tips for them based on  me reading their One Week of Twitter posts.

Things Done Well

  • You wrote conversationally.
  • You spoke your minds.
  • You backed up your assertions with examples.

Things to Watch Out For

  • Typos: Avoid at all costs. 
  • Avoid LOL and other acronyms. (That’s fine for text messages and Twitter, but not for blog posts.)
  • Long paragraphs: Especially when writing for the web, it’s important to keep your paragraphs short. Long paragraphs are hard on the eye and make things much more challenging to read.
  • Create new Posts, not new Pages, for your assignments. (And if you already have your assignments on Pages, simply copy the text from the page, and add a new Post.)

Things to Try Next Time

  • When you mention a website, provide a hyperlink to the site.
  • Consider adding a complementary image to your posts. I tend to find the images I use at Flickr, using the CompFight service to find ones that are licensed for use through Creative Commons.

As always, if you have questions  . . .


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