One of the ways college grads are helping to market themselves is through creating a social media resume. Dan Schwabel shares some excellent advice on social media resumes in a blog post at Mashable.
Using a free online site like Wix, Weebly, VisualCV, Google Sites or a new WordPress blog, create a social media resume for yourself.
At a minimum, include/embed the following:
- At least two SlideShare or Prezi presentations you have created (one can be the Trade Book Review you did for this class)
- One podcast you created, either alone or as part of a team (it can be the one you did for this class)
- Three work samples (such as PDFs of news releases, brochures, newsletters, ads, etc.) — NOTE: If you have no client work yet, then substitute in at least two items from the Optional list below
- Hyperlinks to at least three of your favorite blog posts that you have written (to highlight your writing skills in digital media)
- A hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile (see my LinkedIn tips)
Optional items to enhance your social media resume include:
- A selection of photos you have taken, to show your photography skills. (You may wish to put these in a slideshow format using Picasa or PPT/ SlideShare.)
- Links to client work you have produced
- Links to the social bookmarks you have created
- Links to Facebook fan pages or groups that you have created and maintain
- A Wordle of key words that describe you
- The “Viral” Video you created for this class (if you chose to do one), or another video you have created
- A social media monitoring report that you have created (to show your social media research skills)
- A short video in which you introduce yourself to potential employers
- A link to your Twitter stream (but only if it’s 100% appropriate for a potential employer to view)
I graduated from college in the early 1990’s when ad/pr involved a lot of spray mount to assemble a portfolio. After taking my career in another direction, the recipe for social media resume will be a great help to get back on track.
Your photo took me back ten years or so.
I was approaching Notting Hill underground station in London on my way to the tennis at Wimbledon (my way of saying it was summer in the city).
It took me longer than it should to read the t-shirt of a woman walking the other way (I’m slightly short-sighted). The caption: ‘Don’t you know, It’s rude to stare!’