Thanks to Ragan’s PR Daily, I learned about Danny Brown’s post from last weekend titled “52 Cool Facts About Social Media.” Here are a few of the facts that I found most interesting. I encourage to visit Danny’s blog and read the remainder of the list he created.
“2. More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) is shared each month.”
“9. People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook.”
“11. Twitter’s web platform only accounts for a quarter of its users – 75% use third-party apps.”
“12. Twitter gets more than 300,000 new users every day.”
“21. LinkedIn is the oldest of the four sites in this post, having been created on May 5 2003.”
“26. 80% of companies use LinkedIn as a recruitment tool.”
“34. Every minute, 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.”
“40. YouTube uses the same amount of bandwidth as the entire Internet used in 2000.”
“43. 60% of bloggers are between the ages 18-44.”
“44. One in five bloggers update their blogs daily.”
So, did any of these facts surprise you (either from the stats I excerpted, or the ones at Danny’s blog)? If so, which ones?
H there Barbara,
Thanks a lot for featuring the post here and sharing with your readers, much appreciated.
It’s kind of scary when you look at these numbers, and wonder how many businesses are missing out on solid opportunities because they feel social media is “a fad” still. Here’s hoping they can come round to at least being more open to looking at social media.
I’m looking to do a follow-up post soon, looking at the lesser-known networks and niche sites, as there are also some surprising stats there too.
Thanks again, and have a great weekend,
Web 2.0 certainly has taken the web world by storm. There’s some talk about Twitter over taking Google one day. Not sure how true that will be but I can see it.
Hi there Cy,
If you check Compete’s stats, you can see Facebook is closing the gap on Google at a fairly quick rate:
Twitter would appear to be just plodding along at its own rate, but then Compete doesn’t take into account access by third-party apps like Seesmic, Hootsuite and mobile, amongst others.
Interesting times indeed. 🙂
These statistics are fascinating. Social Media has completely changed the way business is run.
We use Facebook and Twitter, and we even blog regularly.
I really can’t imagine what it would be like to teach public relations without access to all these technologies.