How to Fail a Class (Without Really Trying)

Now that winter semester is well on its way, I took some time to reminisce about all the ways that students can do well in my classes. But instead of sharing those with you today, I’ll instead offer the flip-side: what you should do if your goal is to FAIL a class. I promise you …

New to PR? Avoid These Typical News Release Errors

When you’re drafting a news release, the devil’s in the details, especially with AP style. It’s a bit like Goldilocks: not too hot, not too cold, but just right. For example, get your dateline city names in ALL CAPS. It’s a spotlight on where the action is happening. And those state abbreviations? They’re not a …

Are These Common Resume and LinkedIn Mistakes Holding You Back from Your Dream Job?

In several of my classes this term, public relations students are writing resumes and creating/updating their LinkedIn profiles as one of their assignments. I tend to see the same errors over and over again. Here are some of the common errors I find: Appearance / Overall Resumes LinkedIn Profile NOTE: Use all the advice in …

10½ Ways to Learn the Most in a Virtual Training Session

Even though most of us are beginning to return to the office now, virtual training sessions will continue in many organizations. Here are 10½ ways to help you get the most from a virtual training session. Book time on your online calendar so that others in your organization will know you are unavailable during the …

FAQ on Avoiding Plagiarism

What is plagiarism? According to the Ashworth College Handbook, “Plagiarism is an act of taking someone else’s words or ideas and using them or representing them as one’s own work. This includes not properly citing the source of the words or ideas” (2019 Ashworth College Catalog, p. 58). Most colleges have a similar definition. What’s …

Rubrics Cube: Three Times Students Can Benefit From Rubrics

In the almost four decades that I have been teaching college, one of the changes to how we teach that I appreciate the most is the use of rubrics for assignments. For professors, rubrics are helpful to ensure consistency in grading, for example. And for students, there are three times you would benefit from reviewing …

14 Ways to NOT Suck As a Guest Speaker

[Originally published Fall 2010. This post was featured by Lisa B. Marshall in her The Public Speaker podcast. Thanks, Lisa!] When you’ve been invited to be a guest speaker for an organization’s luncheon or other meeting, you don’t want to be that speaker. And it can be terribly easy to be that speaker: You know, that …