As a long-time listener of the Inside PR podcast, I look forward to each episode (seriously!), and I miss listening to new episodes during the summer hiatus. I always find something useful to share with my public relations students from listening to the podcast each Wednesday. But this week . . . what a great show! It’s a must-listen for public relations students.
Martin Waxman, Gini Dietrich and Joe Thornley spent this entire 20-ish minute podcast sharing their thoughts on why and how students who are planning careers in public relations should become involved in social media, along with what to avoid doing.

Directly from the show notes, some of the highlights are:
- Joe shares the first tip: remember there is only one you and be consistent with how you present yourself across all mediums.
- Joe reminds students to build a professional profile from day one.
- Gini gives some advice for students who are hesitant to start a blog.
- Martin points out how important it is to be careful about what you post online.
- Joe stresses the importance of communicating and engaging.
- Joe shares the 3 places students need to be to build their online profile: a blog of their own, Twitter and LinkedIn.
- Martin says students need to have a good RSS reader to organize all their feeds and stay current.
Give it a listen. It’s worth your time. And subscribe to the podcast using iTunes or Google Listen so you don’t miss another episode.
Professor Nixon, this was a great podcast you recommended ! I know that it is important for Public Relations students to be plugged in all the different elements of social media since this is the future and goodness of the media and the trend of how things will be leading. The mentions of a product or event will spread quickly and you are able to gain, or lose, the credibility of others though all of these websites. Twitter is more of a corporate and business medium than facebook. On social media websites, it is crucial that you remain professional with style, puntuation and content because without your credibility online, you don’t have any other resource for these “friends” to access other than these. It is important to build a profile that you are proud of and keep everything extremely current.
Thank you Barbara! As Gini says, pressure, pressure. I ‘m sharing your blog with my social media class as a must-read!
Thanks Barbara! Now the pressure is on!