For my PRCA 3330 and COMM 4333 classes:
Want to show your publics the human side of your organization?
Write a personality profile.
For this assignment, write a personality profile about someone associated with your client’s organization. It could be about a leader in the organization, a member or maybe even a client. However, it must be about a real person (though not about you).
Chapter 7 in your Public Relations Writing & Media Techniques textbook provides a good overview of a personality profile on pages 173-174. Additionally, see pages 175-179 for more information on writing a feature story in general.
Keep these things in mind:
- Use letterhead from your client for the personality profile (just like you would for a news release)
- Include pertinent contact information (just like you would for a news release)
- Write a catchy headline (just like you would for a news release)
- Be creative, not mechanical, with your lead (see p. 177 for suggestions)
- Use AP style and standard English grammar (though you can get away with occasional phrases, rather than complete sentences, for dramatic effect)
- Your personality profile will be much longer than most news releases. Aim for a story between 750-1000 words.
- Since you also have an assignment of a photo with caption due when this personality profile is due, why not take a photo of the subject of your personality profile when you are interviewing him or her?
- Consider posting your personality profile on your blog (not required), after you get your graded assignment back
Check your syllabus for the due date for this assignment.
(NOTE: It’s a good idea to read 8-10 personality profiles from your favorite newspapers and magazines before you write your first one.)