From Confused to Confident: Mastering APA Format in 10 Easy Steps

person writing on a notebook beside macbook
Photo by Judit Peter on

Students in my PRCM 1000 Public Relations and Media Relations Fundamentals course have just completed their first papers using American Psychological Association (APA) format. In our course, I provided them with a variety of helpful resources. While most of the students caught on quickly to using APA format, there were still quite a few who struggled with this new (to them) way of writing.

Here are some of the most common errors that these students made, with links to resources for additional information and help.

  1. Getting the Format Just Right: APA has its own style for how your paper should look. Remember to double-space, keep those margins at one inch, and use a readable font like 12-point Times New Roman. Also, don’t forget about the running head and page numbers – they’re important too.
  2. Citation Confusions: When you mention someone else’s ideas, APA wants you to include the author’s last name and the year the work was published right there in your text. It’s easy to miss one of these or get the format a bit mixed up, but with a bit of practice, you’ll get the hang of it.
  3. Reference List Hiccups: At the end of your paper, you’ll list all your sources. This part can be tricky. Each entry needs to follow APA’s rules for things like authors, titles and publication details. It’s all about getting the details right – like getting names and dates in order and using italics where needed.
  4. Title Page Troubles: Your title page is like the welcome mat of your paper. It should have your paper’s title, your name, and where you study. Sometimes there’s an author note, too. Make sure this page is neatly organized as per APA’s layout.
  5. Heading Hang-ups: APA uses specific styles for headings to organize your paper. It’s easy to get these mixed up or forget them, but they really help make your paper clear and easy to follow. (NOTE: Headings were not required for this first paper.)
  6. Abstract Angles: If you need an abstract, keep it short and sweet (150-250 words). It’s like a mini-version of your paper, highlighting the key points. (NOTE: An abstract was not required for this first paper.)
  7. Quote Quirks and Paraphrasing Pitfalls: Using quotes? Make sure you don’t overdo it and follow APA’s rules for formatting them. When you’re putting things in your own words (paraphrasing), be sure it’s really in your own words to avoid plagiarism.
  8. Plagiarism Pointers: Always give credit where it’s due. Make sure you’re citing all your sources to avoid any plagiarism pitfalls.
  9. Technical Term Tangles: APA likes it when you use the right technical terms but in a clear way. It’s about striking a balance between being accurate and being understandable.
  10. Consistency is Key: Stick to the same formatting, style and voice all through your paper. It helps in making your paper look professional and well-thought-out.

Remember, mastering APA style is a learning curve, and it’s perfectly fine to take your time to get familiar with it. Use resources like the APA manual, online guides or your campus writing center. And always, always proofread your work. You’ve got this! ?

What questions do you have about APA style? Please let me know. I’m happy to help!

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT.

New to PR? Avoid These Typical News Release Errors

When you’re drafting a news release, the devil’s in the details, especially with AP style. It’s a bit like Goldilocks: not too hot, not too cold, but just right. For example, get your dateline city names in ALL CAPS. It’s a spotlight on where the action is happening. And those state abbreviations? They’re not a free-for-all; they’ve got to match AP’s specific style.

Headlines, though? They’re more of a low-key affair. Stick to sentence case—only the first word and proper nouns earn the right to a capital letter. It’s like a calm handshake compared to a high-five. And when releasing your news, timing is everything. “For Immediate Release” can scream urgency, but sometimes a specific date whispers professionalism.

Remember, too, that active voice is your friend. It strides confidently into the room, while passive voice might just hover at the door. These aren’t just tips; they’re the threads that weave your news release into a tapestry of credibility. Let’s zoom in and fine-tune these elements, ensuring your news release hits all the right notes with the precision of a professional.

Common Errors to Avoid

Below are some more of the most common errors I tend to see in the first news releases written by public relations students.

  • Forgetting that a news release needs to be NEWSWORTHY
  • AP style errors, most notably including a serial comma, capitalizing titles after a name and improper abbreviations
  • Some cities don’t need states in the dateline.
  • Missing a strong summary lede
  • Missing the nut graf
  • Missing required elements, such as end marks, contact information and boilerplate content
  • Including exclamation points unless they are part of a quotation from a source
  • Using I/we/our, unless you are using a direct quotation. The story should read as though it is from a journalist, not a PR practitioner or the client.
  • Editorializing in a news story.
  • Failing to use a quotation or two to liven up the story

So what’s the best way to avoid these errors? Read news releases from written by public relations practitioners. And just like getting to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.

PR Pros & Journalists: What other mistakes do you tend to see new public relations writers make?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening

Image Credit: Created using DALL-E 3

Navigating Names, Numerals, and More: A Focused Guide for Your AP Style Quiz

If you’re a public relations or journalism student preparing to take your first Associated Style quizzes, be sure to read these helpful tips.

General Tips

  • Review the AP Stylebook: Familiarize yourself with the key sections that will be covered in the quiz.
  • Review Resources in Canvas: If your professor has provided additional resources, such as videos, in your course, take advantage of them.
  • Practice Quizzes: Take practice quizzes to identify your weak areas. See Where to Find AP Style Practice Quizzes.
  • Study Group: Form a study group with others in your class to discuss complex rules and exceptions.


  • Focus on common abbreviations like states, addresses, months and organizations.
  • Understand when to use an abbreviation and when to spell it out.


  • Learn the rules for when to spell out numbers and when to use numerals.
  • Pay attention to specifics like ages, percentages and dates.

Names and Titles

  • Learn the AP Style guidelines for using courtesy titles.
  • Understand how to abbreviate academic degrees and professional titles.
  • Know when to use full names and last names only.


  • Brush up on common grammar rules covered in AP Style.
  • Practice identifying and correcting grammatical errors in sample sentences.

Quiz Day Tips

In my classes, a lockdown browser is required for AP Style quizzes. Additionally, you may not use any resources while taking the quiz (including but not limited to the AP Stylebook, websites or your own notes.)

  • Test Your Tech: Ensure that your computer, lockdown browser and internet connection are all working well in advance. (Taking the practice quiz is a great way to do this.)
  • Find a Quiet Space: Choose a distraction-free environment where you won’t be interrupted during the quiz.
  • Read Carefully: Even in a digital format, make sure to read each question and all answer options before selecting your choice.
  • Pace Yourself: Time management is crucial. Keep an eye on the clock but don’t rush. My graded quizzes are 15 questions in 15 minutes.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers before submitting the quiz.

What additional tips do you have?

Where to Find AP Style Practice Quizzes

white newspaper beside teacup
Photo by Elijah O’Donnell on

If you’re preparing to take graded Associated Style quizzes, it would definitely benefit you to take a few practice quizzes first. Below are several sites with practice quizzes. NOTE: I have not verified that every quiz site has correct answers on all their quizzes, but this should give you a great, low-pressure start.

Try out the quizzes from:

Have you come across other sites with AP Style quizzes? Please share them in the comments.

From Chaos to Coordination: How Google Drive Can Transform Your Project Team in a College Course

Working on a team project can be a lot of fun, but it can also be challenging. One of the biggest challenges is keeping everyone organized and on the same page. That’s where Google Drive comes in.

Google Drive is a free online storage and collaboration tool that can be a lifesaver for team projects. It allows you to create shared folders and files, which means that everyone on your team can access and edit the same documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Plus, Google Drive keeps track of all changes made to files, so you can easily revert to a previous version if necessary.

Here are some tips for using Google Drive to organize your college public relations team project:

  1. Create a shared folder for your project. This will be your central hub for all of your project files.
  2. Create a subfolder structure within the shared folder to organize your files. For example, you might have subfolders for different types of files (e.g., press releases, media kits, social media posts), different team members, or different clients.
  3. Share the folder with your team members. You can choose to give them full edit access or view-only access, depending on their needs.
  4. Encourage your team members to use Google Drive to create and edit all of the project files. This will make it easy to keep track of all of the changes and to ensure that everyone is working on the latest version of each file.
  5. Use Google Drive’s real-time collaboration features to work on files together. This can help to speed up the workflow and to improve communication among team members.

Here are some additional tips for using Google Drive to organize your college public relations team project:

  • Use descriptive file names. This will make it easy for you and your team members to find the files you need.
  • Use tags to organize your files. Tags are labels that you can apply to files to make them easier to find. For example, you might tag a file with the name of the client, the type of project, or the deadline.
  • Use Google Drive’s search feature to find files quickly and easily. You can search by file name, tag, or keyword.
  • Use Google Drive’s commenting feature to leave feedback on files. This can help to improve communication among team members and to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Use Google Drive to create a shared calendar for your team. This will help you to keep track of important deadlines and to schedule meetings and events.
  • Use Google Drive to create a shared contact list for your team. This will make it easy for everyone to access the contact information for clients, journalists, and other stakeholders.
  • Use Google Drive to create a shared resource library for your team. This could include templates for press releases, media alerts, and social media posts, as well as research reports and other relevant documents.

By following these tips, you can use Google Drive to organize your team project and to share resources, which will help you to set yourself up for success in your college public relations course.

And remember, Google Drive is your friend! It’s there to help you make your life easier, so don’t be afraid to use it to its full potential.

What tips on using Google Drive for team projects do you have? Please share them in the comments.

The framework of this article was inspired by Google Bard.

Cracking the Code: Essential AP Style Tips for PR Success

Four Rotor Enigma Machine from the Spy Museum

In the dozens of public relations courses I’ve taught over the years, one of my students’ biggest struggles is writing using Associated Press style.

Why is learning AP style so important? PR practitioner Sandra Hernandez offers this:

PR writers really need to know the things that make them effective. I learned to write in AP in college, because it was necessary to pass the class. I continued to write in AP because I found that what I send to media had a better response rate when written in AP.

To help students learn more about AP style, I sought feedback from a variety of public relations practitioners and faculty members, trying to come up with a list of what PR writers REALLY need to know (cold, without even looking in the AP Stylebook) about AP style.

The most important (and sometimes confusing) parts of AP Style for PR writers are:

  • dates (especially when to abbreviate)
  • addresses (especially when to abbreviate)
  • names (when to use titles, etc.)
  • numerals (when to spell out, when to use digits)
  • datelines (which cities need to be identified with their states)

Now you have choices about how to access the AP Stylebook. You can purchase a hardcopy of the book, buy an online subscription to it or find it in your college library.

Many PR writers can also benefit from brushing up on standard grammar. My favorite site for general grammar advice is Mignon Fogarty’s Grammar Girl. I strongly recommend that you subscribe to Grammar Girl’s podcast.

So, PR pros and journalists, what would you add? What can help PR students understand what they REALLY need to know about AP style?

[Updated from a blog post from April 2010]


Unlocking the Secrets of PR Success: The One Tool You’re (Probably) Not Using

If you’re enrolled in a public relations course—especially if it’s among your first—you might be wondering how to best grasp the wealth of information coming your way. My advice: Start a learning journal. It’s an invaluable tool for multiple reasons, tailored here to the unique needs of a PR student.

Active Reinforcement for Better Comprehension

First off, let’s tackle reinforcement. Public relations is all about messaging and strategy. When you write down key theories or case studies, you’re not just memorizing; you’re comprehending. Remember, understanding PR tactics and strategies requires more than just passive listening or reading; it requires active engagement.

Reflection for Real-World Application

Reflection is another major benefit. The PR world is dynamic and constantly evolving. By revisiting your journal entries, you can think critically about how traditional PR theories adapt to, or diverge from, current practices. This will help you in real-world scenarios, where theoretical knowledge often needs to be applied creatively.

Identifying Gaps in Your Knowledge

Identifying gaps is crucial in a field that combines aspects of journalism, marketing and psychology. Your journal can highlight areas where you need further clarification. Maybe you’re not clear on how crisis management differs from regular PR practices, or perhaps you need to revisit the rules for an effective press release. Knowing what you don’t know is half the battle.

Exam and Pitch Preparation

Exams and client pitches have more in common than you’d think: both require succinct, effective communication. Think of your learning journal as your prep sheet. It offers an organized compilation of your learning, perfect for quick reviews before exams or client meetings.

A Treasure Trove for Your Career

For long-term benefits, your journal acts as a treasure trove (I can’t believe I actually used this term) of PR wisdom. Concepts you learn today may be relevant in your first job or even ten years down the line. Having a detailed record could be your secret weapon when you’re crafting a particularly tricky PR strategy later in your career.

Enhancing Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

Public relations is a creative field. As you jot down insights and connect the dots between different PR elements, your problem-solving skills will naturally improve. The ability to draw connections between seemingly unrelated ideas is a hallmark of a skilled PR professional.

Personal Accountability and Professionalism

Finally, personal accountability. Being proactive in your learning will set you up for success in a field that demands initiative and responsibility. You’re not just being a student; you’re being a PR professional in training. To stay organized, add deadlines and reminders to your Google Calendar for journal reviews and course deliverables.

In conclusion, whether you’re new to the world of public relations or looking to up your game, a learning journal could be your key to success. It’s not just a study aid; it’s a long-term investment in your PR career.

Already Keep a Learning Journal?

If you already keep a learning journal for your courses, how have YOU found it beneficial? Please share your thoughts in a comment.


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT. Images were created using Adobe Firefly.

Common Grammar Errors in Public Relations Writing (and How to Avoid Them)

Hello future public relations mavens! It’s time for more writing insights specifically for you. In the dynamic world of PR, your writing needs to be impeccable. A single grammatical error can mar an otherwise brilliant press release or social media post.

Fear not! Here’s a list of common grammar errors often seen in public relations writing, and tips on how to avoid them:

1. It’s vs. Its

  • Error: Confusing “it’s” (it is) with “its” (possessive form of it).
  • Fix: Remember, “it’s” is a contraction for “it is.” If you can’t replace “it’s” with “it is,” then you should use “its.”

2. Your vs. You’re

  • Error: Mixing up “your” (possessive) and “you’re” (you are).
  • Fix: Test your sentence by replacing “you’re” with “you are.” If it doesn’t make sense, use “your.”

3. Passive Voice Overuse

  • Error: Using passive voice, making sentences weak.
  • Fix: Write in active voice to make your statements more direct and engaging. Instead of “The product was launched by the company,” say “The company launched the product.”

4. Comma Splices

  • Error: Connecting two independent clauses with just a comma.
  • Fix: Use a semicolon, conjunction, or break into two sentences. “We unveiled the new product, it was a success” should be “We unveiled the new product; it was a success.”

5. Dangling Modifiers

  • Error: Placing a modifier too far from the word it’s describing.
  • Fix: Keep modifiers close to the words they modify. Change “Walking into the room, the product caught everyone’s eye” to “As she walked into the room, the product caught everyone’s eye.”

6. Redundancy

  • Error: Repeating ideas unnecessarily.
  • Fix: Be concise. Instead of “free gift,” just say “gift.”

7. Incorrect Use of “That” and “Which”

  • Error: Using “that” and “which” interchangeably.
  • Fix: Use “that” for essential clauses and “which” for non-essential clauses. “The campaign that succeeded” vs. “The campaign, which succeeded.”

8. Wordiness

  • Error: Using too many words.
  • Fix: Be clear and concise. Instead of “due to the fact that,” simply use “because.”

9. Apostrophe Misuse

  • Error: Adding an apostrophe to plural words.
  • Fix: Remember, apostrophes usually show possession or contractions, not plurals. It’s “FAQs,” not “FAQ’s.”

10. Incorrect Parallel Structure

  • Error: Misaligning items in a list or series.
  • Fix: Make sure all items in your list follow the same structure. “Our strategy is innovative, exciting, and inspires action” should be “Our strategy is innovative, exciting, and inspiring.”

These errors might seem small, but in public relations, precision matters. Keep these common mistakes in mind as you draft and edit, and you’ll enhance both the clarity and professionalism of your writing.

Keep striving for excellence, and may your PR writing be error-free!

What questions do you have about writing? Or maybe you have some tips to share?


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT. Images were created using Adobe Firefly.

Reservations for Learning: Booking a Table at the Journal Article Café

I remember the first time I was asked (told) to use a “peer-reviewed article” in my research for a paper, I had no clue what the professor was talking about. I looked around the room, and the other students in the course were either nodding along or nodding off; no one looked confused, so I decided I wasn’t going to speak up and ask what she meant.

But I didn’t want to do poorly on the assignment, so I waited until after class and went up to ask.

Thank goodness I had a kind and caring professor who was much more interested in making sure her students learned than showing how intelligent she herself was. She told me that in general, it meant that the article came from an academic or professional journal (rather than something like a popular magazine) and that the article had gone through a rigorous review process before being published. It wasn’t just the writer and editor who decided it was good enough to print; other experts in the field provide their input. (There’s a lot more to it than that, but this was a clear enough explanation to get me started.)

When I got to the library (yes, I had to physically go to the library when I was an undergrad), I went to the periodical section and took a recent Public Relations Journal off the shelf. Flipping through the journal, I realized quickly that these articles were nothing like the ones in People or Newsweek. They were written in a much (much!) more formal way, a way that would take some serious getting used to. I pored over an article, trying to make sense of it.

Then, I had an a-ha moment.

Reading a journal article is kind of like going to a new restaurant.

Should we even go here?

Now, when we explore a journal article, we want to make sure it’s a trustworthy source. Think of it like checking out a new restaurant. We’ll look at things like the reputation of the journal (like checking online reviews), the authors’ credentials (are they renowned “chefs”?), and when the article was published (fresh ingredients or stale leftovers?). There’s not really a Yelp for academic journals, but maybe that would be a fun side gig for me. But I digress.

Read the menu

Before we dig in too deep, let’s start by giving the article a quick skim. Think of it as reading the menu to see if anything catches your eye. We’ll check out the title, abstract, and headings to get a sense of what the article is all about.

Eat dessert first

Despite what your parents and grandparents might have told you as a child, it’s 100% okay to eat dessert first, at least in terms of reading a journal article. A journal article is NOT a mystery novel. You won’t ruin anything by knowing how it ends before you start. Skip to the end of the article and read the limitations and conclusions right away to see if it supports or denies the claim you are trying to make in your own research paper. (NOTE: You will want to read articles on both sides of your claim.)

Taste the app

Now, the introduction is like the appetizer that sets the stage. We’ll find out why the authors decided to do the research, what questions they wanted to answer, and why it’s important. It’s like the first taste that gets our curiosity going. Still interested? Then . . .

Sit at the chef’s table

Time to get to the juicy parts! In the methodology section, we’ll learn how the researchers cooked up their study. We’ll look at the ingredients they used (research design), how they gathered data (like secret recipes), and how they analyzed everything. We want to make sure their approach is solid and follows the rules of the kitchen; it’s like sitting at the chef’s table in the restaurant kitchen, watching how things are prepared for the diners.

Dive into the main course

Ah, the results and discussion sections, the main course! This is where the researchers present their findings and start digging into the flavors. This is the meat of the article (see what I did there?). We’ll see charts, graphs, and analysis. Then, in the discussion, they’ll interpret those results, link them to previous research, and talk about any limitations. It’s like a chef explaining the unique flavors and how they relate to other dishes.

Try an intermezzo

At a restaurant, an intermezzo is a refreshing sip or bite of a palate cleanser between courses. Reading journal articles can be heavy. If you’re feeling like your brain is getting full, get up and walk around for five minutes or watch that TikTok that your best friend just sent you. Then get back to your table.

Savor the dessert

Finally, let’s enjoy the article’s takeaway. It’s time to indulge in our own thoughts and opinions. We’ll consider what we’ve learned, how it contributes to the field, and how it might inspire our own research or practice. And don’t forget, we’re here to discuss and debate, so feel free to spice things up with your own ideas!

Yelp it

Once you’ve finished with the article, you won’t want to forget what it was about. Take the time to make notes on the article, including all the required information for an APA citation (just in case you’ll actually use it in your research) and your own paraphrased thoughts about the article. I used to use the app EndNote to keep track of information like this — it was great when I was working on my Ph.D., as I could easily find articles I’d read for previous classes using it.

A question for you: do you remember what it was like reading your first academic journal article? What advice would you give students early in their college careers on how to read one?


The analogy comparing reading a journal article to going to a restaurant was inspired by ChatGPT. Images were created using Adobe Firefly.

Student Blogs from the University of Oregon Strategic PR Communication Course

Now that spring quarter at the University of Oregon has come to a close, I want to share with you a term-long project my students worked on: their blogs. For most of them, this was the first time they blogged at all, so I was especially impressed with the quality of their work.

I gave them some latitude to discuss passion projects of theirs in their blogs, so you will find topics ranging from sustainability to travel to the Kardashians!

Rather than just sharing with you a bullet point list of hyperlinked blogs, I thought you’d enjoy reading some of my favorite posts of theirs. Each blog has at least ten posts, so please take some time to scroll and click through their work.

They did a nice job of asking thought-provoking questions at the end of each of their blog posts. So if you have a few moments, it would be WONDERFUL if you’d comment on some of their posts.

If you’re a PR professor who has students blogging, what are your thoughts on ending posts with “thought-provoking questions,” those designed to promote interactivity with readers?

Image Credit: Image created by Barbara Nixon using Adobe Firefly.