What PR Writers REALLY Need to Know About AP Style

In my PR Writing courses that I’ve taught over the years, it seems as though the biggest struggle for the students is writing using Associated Press style.

To help combat this, I sought feedback from a variety of public relations practitioners and faculty members, trying to come up with a list of what PR writers REALLY need to know (cold, without even looking in the AP Stylebook) about AP Style. The most helpful advice came from colleagues on PR OpenMic, a new social network for PR students, faculty and practitioners. (See the individual responses I received in the PR OpenMic PR Writing Discussion Forum.)

The most important (and sometimes confusing) parts of AP Style for PR writers are:

  • dates (especially when to abbreviate)
  • addresses (especially when to abbreviate)
  • names (when to use titles, etc.)
  • numerals (when to spell out, when to use digits)
  • datelines (which cities need to be identified with their states)

Many PR writers can also benefit from brushing up on standard grammar. My favorite site for general grammar advice is Mignon Fogarty’s Grammar Girl. Consider subscribing to Grammar Girl’s podcast through iTunes.

Additionally, I found several websites that help my students with AP Style: see http://del.icio.us/listeningmatters/APStyle.

PRCA 3339: Blog Assignment (Brochure Alternative) Spring 2008

UPDATE (4.16.08): Comments are closed for this posting, as the deadline to make your decision on whether to do the brochure (as originally planned) or the blog (as described below) has passed.

As a project for Georgia Southern University’s PRCA 3339, you have two choices. You can create a brochure using InDesign as we originally discussed in the class. OR, you can add several postings to your blog that relate to the content of our PR Publications class. Please let me know your decision about the assignment by Friday, April 11, at midnight. (Comment on this post to let me know.) If I don’t hear from you, I’ll assume that you’re doing the brochure as originally planned.

The Blog Assignment

  • Write & publish at least three postings of 200 words or more between now and the due date of April 23 at midnight.
  • The topics of your postings can range from using InDesign, using typography, choosing the best kind of paper, taking effective photos, storing photos online, pricing the printing of your publication using online sources, or any other topic related to public relations publications.
  • The postings need to be your original work (don’t copy and paste from another website or blog). If you use info from another site, be sure to cite your source. (No APA Style needed for this citation; you can just hyperlink to the original source.)
  • In each posting, offer at least two hyperlinks to relevant sites.
  • Also, comment on at least two of your classmates blogs; see http://del.icio.us/listeningmatters/PRCA3339blogs for a listing of them.

Questions? Please let me know.