Editing Tips for New PR Pros: How to Make Your Writing Shine

If you’re just starting out in public relations, you’ve probably realized how important writing is in this field. Whether you’re drafting a news release, crafting a social media post or preparing a pitch, writing is at the heart of what you do. But writing a great first draft is only part of the process—editing is where the real magic happens.

Editing helps ensure your message is clear, your tone is right and your content is polished. If you’re new to PR (or even if you’re not), here are some simple editing tips to help you sharpen your writing and make sure it hits the mark every time.

1. Check If Your Message Matches Your Goal

Before you dive into the details, take a step back and look at the big picture. Ask yourself: does this piece do what I need it to do? If you’re writing a news release, are you getting the key points across clearly? If it’s a social media post, is it engaging and on-brand? Editing starts by making sure your message aligns with your goal.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I making my point clearly and quickly?
  • Is this aligned with the campaign or client objectives?
  • Will the audience understand what I’m trying to say?

When you have a clear goal in mind, you can make sure every part of your writing supports that goal.

2. Make Sure the Tone Fits the Brand

One of the most important things in PR is making sure your writing sounds like the brand you’re representing. Whether you’re working for a laid-back tech company or a high-end fashion label, the tone of your writing needs to reflect that brand’s personality. This is especially important when you’re working across different platforms—what works on X/Twitter might not be right for a formal email to stakeholders.

Ask yourself:

  • Does this sound like the brand I’m representing?
  • Is the tone consistent throughout?
  • Would this tone work for the specific platform (like social media vs. a news release)?

Getting the tone right is key to building trust with your audience and keeping the brand’s voice consistent.

3. Keep It Simple and Clear

In PR, you don’t have much time to grab your audience’s attention. Journalists and readers don’t want to wade through jargon or long, complicated sentences. Make your writing as clear and straightforward as possible so people get your message quickly and easily.

Tips for clarity:

  • Break long sentences into shorter ones.
  • Avoid using jargon or industry-specific terms unless necessary.
  • Make sure your main point is clear right from the start.

Remember, people are busy, and you want your writing to be as easy to understand as possible.

4. Double-Check Your Facts and Grammar

This step might sound basic, but it’s incredibly important—especially in PR. Mistakes like misspelled names, incorrect dates or grammar errors can really hurt your credibility. Take the time to go through your work carefully and check for any small mistakes that could slip through.

When proofreading:

  • Make sure all facts, figures, and names are correct.
  • Look for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Pay attention to any words that could be unclear or lead to misinterpretation.

Accuracy builds trust. It’s always worth doing one more check to make sure everything’s spot on.

5. Tailor It to the Platform

In PR, you’re often writing for different platforms and audiences, so you need to make sure your content fits the format. For example, writing for Instagram requires a different style than writing for a news release or email. Tailoring your message to the platform will help it perform better and connect with your audience in the right way.

Think about:

  • Are you using Associated Press style (if that’s relevant for this content)?
  • Have you followed the format for a news release or media pitch?
  • Does your headline grab attention and fit SEO best practices if needed?
  • For social media, is your post the right length and tone for the platform?

Customizing your writing for each platform ensures it resonates with the audience wherever they’re reading it.

Wrapping It Up

If you’re new to PR, editing can feel a little overwhelming at first, but it’s an essential skill that will make your writing stronger and more effective. By focusing on your message, keeping the tone consistent, ensuring clarity, double-checking facts, and tailoring your content to the platform, you’ll be on your way to creating PR pieces that stand out.

Remember, editing is where you get to polish your work and make sure it represents you and your brand in the best possible way. Take your time, follow these steps, and soon enough, editing will feel like second nature. You’ve got this!

A Question for You (Especially PR Pros)

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced when editing your PR content, and how do you tackle it? Share your tips or struggles in the comments!

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening

Top Social Media Mistakes That Cost You Job Offers

As a recruiter, it’s not every day that you stumble upon digital dirt. You know, that delightful mix of questionable content, eyebrow-raising comments, and “Did-they-really-post-that?” moments that show up when you’re evaluating a candidate’s online presence. But hey, the internet is forever, and digital dirt is the gift that keeps on giving. So, what exactly does a recruiter not want to see when they Google your name? Here’s a totally serious rundown.

1. The Party Photos – Oh Yes, Those Are Fun Nothing screams “professional” like a Facebook album entitled Spring Break: Cancun 2022. Remember, your future employer loves nothing more than seeing you shotgun a beer while standing on a table wearing neon swimwear and shades indoors. Bonus points if you’ve tagged your current employer in the post. Because nothing says “I’m responsible and ready for that leadership role” quite like a photo where you look like you’ve been awake for 72 hours straight, surviving solely on tequila shots and bad decisions.

2. Opinions. So. Many. Opinions. We get it; you’re passionate. But if your social media reads like the comment section of a political debate, that’s going to be a hard pass. Whether you’re firing off hot takes on the latest controversial issue or starting online feuds with strangers over whether pineapple belongs on pizza (it doesn’t, by the way), it might be time to dial it back. Recruiters are dying to hire someone who spends their weekends engaged in Twitter flame wars—said no recruiter ever.

3. “It’s Just a Meme, Bro” Memes are the spice of life, but when your LinkedIn profile picture is a meme or your Instagram is a shrine to questionable humor, we start to wonder if you’re here for the job or just for the lulz. Nothing raises professional red flags faster than a candidate whose social feed is a steady stream of SpongeBob memes mixed with the occasional inspirational quote that was probably posted unironically.

4. The “Entrepreneur” With No Business Your bio says you’re a CEO, founder, or influencer. Sounds impressive—until we realize your “company” has a single Instagram page with 12 followers, and your “brand” is an Etsy shop that sells homemade keychains. Listen, we appreciate the hustle, but maybe update that bio to “aspiring entrepreneur” so we know you’re still working on the whole empire-building thing.

5. Inappropriate Username Much? Ah yes, nothing quite captures a candidate’s credibility like an email address that reads “hotgirl4lyfe@yahoo.com” or “beerchugmaster1999@gmail.com.” Look, I’m sure beer chugging is a masterful skill, but recruiters are typically more interested in your project management skills. And your high school AIM username? Maybe it’s time to let that one go.

6. Public Venting About Your Current Job We love to see that you’re active on social media—unless you’re using it to trash your current job. Those “cryptic” Facebook statuses like “I work with idiots” and “Can’t wait to quit this joke of a job” aren’t as subtle as you think. And trust me, it gives us recruiters so much confidence that you’ll definitely be professional when it’s our company on the chopping block in your next post.

7. The Shameless Selfie Marathon Yes, we all appreciate a good selfie now and then, but when your entire online presence is a sea of perfectly angled, heavily filtered photos of yourself, it leaves recruiters wondering: do you spend more time looking for good lighting than on developing professional skills? Your digital footprint should reflect your career, not just your cheekbone game.

8. Grammar? Never Heard of Her. Last but certainly not least, there’s the issue of basic literacy. If your public posts are riddled with typos, incorrect “there/their/they’re” usage, and sentences that seem to be missing half the words, we can’t help but wonder what your emails might look like. Your potential employer might question if their company blog is safe in your hands when your latest tweet reads like, “I’m so exited 4 the weeeeeekend!!!!!!! ???.”

In Conclusion…

Before you hit “post” on that next rant, selfie, or meme, just remember: recruiters are out here, lurking in the digital shadows, ready to stumble upon your social media masterpiece. Keep that digital dirt off the internet, and maybe, just maybe, your online presence will help you get the job—not send your resume to the bottom of the pile faster than you can say “#YOLO.”

Some Food for Thought

So, what does your digital footprint say about you? If a recruiter were to scroll through your online presence right now, would they see the professional you want to portray—or is there some digital dirt you need to clean up?


The framework of this article was based on a previous post of mine, enhanced by ChatGPT. WordPress created the image using AI. (And note the extra hand in the image!)

Staying on Track: Why Following Directions Matters in PR

In the ever-changing field of public relations, following directions isn’t just a good habit—it’s a key to success. PR professionals juggle a variety of tasks, from crafting messages and managing reputations to working with the media. Because of this, it’s crucial to be clear, accurate and detail-oriented to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Why is this so important? For one, when creating news releases or social media posts it’s essential to stay aligned with your client’s goals and expectations. Miscommunication or straying from what was asked can lead to confusion or even damage to a brand’s image. For example, if you don’t follow specific guidelines when working with the media, your message could be misunderstood or even ignored.

On top of that, PR often involves tight deadlines and fast-paced projects. Being able to follow directions helps keep things on track, reduces mistakes, and avoids unnecessary stress. When everyone is on the same page—whether it’s your colleagues, clients, or media contacts—it makes for smoother teamwork and better results.

If you’re a PR student, yesterday’s the time to start working diligently on following directions for assignments to help you prepare for your future career.

In short, paying attention to directions in PR helps you deliver the right message, at the right time, in the right way. It’s all about building trust and ensuring your work leaves a positive, lasting impression. With good communication and a focus on the details, you’re much more likely to achieve the best outcomes for your clients and your team (and even your professors).

My question for you: how do you balance creativity with the need to follow specific guidelines in PR?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT. WordPress created the image using AI.

Gold Medal Prep: How PR Students Can Gear Up for Fall Semester

As summer draws to a close, it’s time for public relations students to transition from relaxation mode to academic mode. Think of it as preparing for the Olympics: each new school year is an event where preparation, strategy and endurance are key to success. To help you get ready, here are six tips inspired by some of our favorite 2024 Olympic moments and athletes:

1. Perfect Your Craft Like Tom the Knitting Diver

Tom Daley, the British diver, is known not only for his incredible dives but also for his knitting hobby, which he uses to stay calm and focused. As you return to college, take a page from Tom’s book and find a way to sharpen your PR skills while staying relaxed. This could be through practicing writing, researching the latest PR trends, or even starting a blog. Just like Tom’s intricate knitting patterns, your preparation will help you craft a successful semester.

2. Stay Ready Like “Bob the Cap Catcher”

In the swimming world, “Bob the Cap Catcher” is the unsung hero who’s always on standby to retrieve caps that go astray. Similarly, planning your semester is all about being prepared for anything. Create a detailed calendar that includes class schedules, deadlines for assignments, and any extracurricular activities. This way, you’re ready to catch anything unexpected that comes your way, just like Bob catches those stray swim caps.

3. Balance Your Act Like Steven Nedoroscik

Steven Nedoroscik, the pommel horse specialist, exemplifies balance and precision in his routines. Your study space should reflect the same qualities. Whether you prefer studying in a quiet corner of the library or your dorm room, make sure your space is organized and conducive to focus. A well-balanced and orderly environment, much like Steven’s routines, can help you perform at your best academically.

4. Show Resilience Like Simone Biles

Simone Biles, known for her exceptional skills, also showed remarkable resilience by prioritizing her mental health during the previous Olympics. As you navigate the academic pressures of the new semester, remember that it’s okay to prioritize your well-being. Whether it’s taking a mental health day, talking to a counselor, or simply practicing self-care, resilience is about knowing when to step back and take care of yourself, just as Simone did.

5. Consistent Excellence Like Katie Ledecky

Katie Ledecky’s consistency and excellence in swimming are unmatched. She prepares rigorously and sticks to her routines, which is key to her success. Similarly, staying consistent with your studies and professional development is crucial. Set a routine that includes regular study sessions, keeping up with industry news, and engaging in PR-related activities. Just like Katie trains consistently, your steady efforts will build a strong foundation for success.

6. Be a Team Player, On and Off the Field

The Olympics are as much about teamwork as they are about individual achievements. As you return to campus, engage with your peers, professors, and mentors. Participate in study groups, join PR-related organizations, and attend networking events. Building strong relationships can provide support, new perspectives, and opportunities, much like how Olympic teams support each other.

Just like training for the Olympics, preparing for a new academic year requires dedication, planning, and a positive mindset. By refining your skills, staying organized, balancing your environment, showing resilience, maintaining consistency, and being a team player, you set yourself up for a successful semester in public relations. Here’s to making this year as inspiring and rewarding as watching the best athletes in the world compete!

And here’s a question for you

How can you use your unique skills and interests, much like Tom Daley’s knitting, to stand out and bring creativity to your PR projects and studies?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT. The image was created by DALL-E.

Listening: Your Secret Weapon in Public Relations

In the world of public relations, we often think about the messages we send out. But here’s a secret: effective PR is just as much about listening as it is about talking. Listening is our secret weapon because it enables us to truly understand our audience, build meaningful relationships, and respond effectively to any situation. Yep, you heard that right (pun intended)! Let’s dive into why listening is such a big deal in PR.

Understanding Your Audience

Imagine you’re at a party, and someone keeps talking about themselves without letting you get a word in. Annoying, right? The same goes for PR. To truly connect with your audience, you need to understand them. This means actively listening to their voices in meetings, interviews and conversations. When you know their likes, dislikes, and concerns through direct verbal communication, you can craft messages that hit the mark. For example, if clients keep mentioning a problem during phone calls, you can address it directly and show that you’re listening.

Building Trust and Relationships

Relationships are built on trust, and trust comes from listening. When you show people that you care about what they have to say, they’re more likely to trust you. This is crucial in PR. Whether you’re responding to questions in a press conference or engaging in a one-on-one conversation, acknowledging and addressing concerns builds loyalty. It’s like any good relationship: communication has to go both ways.

Listening in Person, Face to Face

There’s something powerful about face-to-face interactions. When you listen in person, you can pick up on non-verbal cues like body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. These cues give you a deeper understanding of what the person is really feeling and thinking. In PR, this means actively engaging during meetings, interviews and events. Nod to show you’re following along, maintain eye contact to show you’re focused and ask follow-up questions to dig deeper. This kind of attentive listening builds a strong rapport and shows your audience that you value their input.

Listening Using Technology Like Zoom or Teams

With the rise of remote work, listening through technology has become a vital skill. Platforms like Zoom or Teams are great tools, but they require a different kind of listening. Make sure you’re not multitasking during virtual meetings—close those extra tabs! (Yes, I’m guilty about this one, too.) Pay attention to visual cues like facial expressions and gestures, and listen carefully to the tone of voice. Use features like chat to ask questions or get clarifications without interrupting the speaker. By being fully present, even in a virtual setting, you show respect and ensure you don’t miss important details.

Handling Crises

When a crisis hits, listening is your best friend. During these times, it’s essential to hear what people are saying so you can respond appropriately. Are there rumors flying around in verbal conversations? Address them with clear, factual information. Are customers or clients upset during phone calls? Show empathy and take action to resolve their issues. Listening helps you understand the situation better and react in a way that can calm the storm.

Continuous Improvement

Listening isn’t just about fixing problems; it’s also about getting better all the time. Verbal feedback is a goldmine for insights. Maybe your client’s customers love their product but find the website hard to navigate. Or perhaps team members have suggestions for improving processes. By paying attention to this spoken feedback, you can make continuous improvements that benefit everyone. It’s like having a roadmap for getting better and better.

Sparking Creativity and Innovation

Here’s a fun fact: listening can boost your creativity. When you’re open to new ideas and perspectives, you can come up with innovative solutions and campaigns. Maybe a client suggests a new way of reaching out to their customers during a phone call, or a team member has a creative idea for an innovative campaign. These fresh perspectives can help you stand out and keep things exciting.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it! Listening is a powerful tool in public relations. It helps you understand your audience, build trust, manage crises, continuously improve and spark creativity. Listening is our secret weapon because it equips us to connect more deeply with our audience and navigate the ever-changing landscape of public opinion. By making listening a priority—whether in person, through technology, or during phone calls—you’ll be better equipped to achieve your PR goals. Remember, in PR, it’s not just about what you say—it’s also about how you listen.

So, what do you think? How can listening help you boost your career in public relations?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT.

Fast-Paced and Forward-Thinking: Essential Skills for Success in Accelerated Public Relations Courses

Taking a mini-mester course, especially one that compresses a semester’s worth of learning into just six weeks, can be a daunting but rewarding experience. These courses are intensive and require a different approach compared to traditional semester-long classes. If you’re gearing up for your first six-week mini-mester this summer, particularly in a field like public relations where adapting to changing circumstances and managing tight deadlines are part of the daily workflow, here are ten tips to help you make the most out of this accelerated learning experience.

1. Understand the Pace

  • Expect Intensity: The first thing to understand about mini-mesters is the pace. You will cover the same material that’s usually spread over several months in just a few weeks. This means there will be a lot of information to digest in a short period, mirroring the fast-paced nature of the public relations industry.
  • Daily Preparation: Prepare to engage with your course material daily. Unlike traditional courses, where you might have days between classes to review and study, mini-mester courses often require constant attention, much like a PR campaign that requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments.

2. Stay Organized

  • Use a Planner: With the fast pace, keeping track of assignments, tests, and other deadlines is crucial. Use a planner or digital calendar to mark important dates. (TIP: The Syllabus tab in Canvas will show you ALL your deadlines for this course in one view.) In public relations, missing a deadline can have significant implications, and this practice helps instill good habits.
  • Break Down Tasks: Large assignments can feel overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks that you can tackle daily. This approach is especially beneficial in PR, where campaigns and projects are often complex and multifaceted.

3. Manage Your Time Effectively

  • Prioritize Wisely: Identify which tasks are most important and which can wait. Prioritize coursework that is due sooner or requires more of your attention. This skill is invaluable in public relations, where practitioners often juggle multiple clients and projects.
  • Avoid Procrastination: In a 6-week course, there isn’t time to procrastinate. Try to start on assignments early, giving yourself plenty of time to ask questions or seek help if needed. In PR, early engagement can mean the difference between a successful campaign and a missed opportunity.

4. Stay Engaged with the Material

  • Active Learning: Engage actively with the material through summarizing, questioning, and applying the information. This helps deepen your understanding and retention. For PR students, this means not just learning theories but also applying them to real-world scenarios.
  • Regular Review: Set aside time each day to review your notes and key concepts to keep them fresh in your mind, much like how a PR professional would stay current with the latest industry trends and media landscapes.

5. Seek Help Early

  • Use Office Hours: Don’t hesitate to use the instructor’s office hours or seek help from teaching assistants. In a mini-mester, it’s crucial to address misunderstandings as soon as possible. Similarly, in public relations, early feedback can help refine strategies and improve outcomes.
  • Study Groups: Consider forming or joining a study group. Discussing the material with peers can provide new insights and reinforce your learning, akin to brainstorming sessions in a PR agency.
Image Credit: Alteryx.com

6. Take Care of Yourself

  • Balance Your Load: Be realistic about what you can handle. Taking a mini-mester course might mean needing to lighten your workload elsewhere or adjust your work commitments, similar to how PR professionals manage their workloads to avoid burnout.
  • Rest and Recharge: Ensure you get enough rest; sleep is crucial for memory and learning. Also, give yourself short breaks during study sessions to recharge, much like the strategic pauses in PR to assess campaign effectiveness.

7. Use Technology Wisely

  • Educational Tools: Utilize educational tools and apps that can help you organize your notes, manage your time, and review course material effectively. For PR students, this mirrors the industry’s use of tools for media monitoring and campaign analysis.
  • Digital Communication: Stay in touch with your classmates and instructor through digital platforms. Quick communication can be vital for clarifying assignments and coordinating with study groups, just as it is essential in maintaining client and team communications in PR.

8. Adapt Your Learning Style

  • Find What Works: Some find that visual aids like charts and graphs help, while others prefer reading and summarizing. Find what works best for you in this condensed format. In PR, professionals often have to adapt their communication styles to different audiences and media platforms.
  • Be Flexible: Be prepared to adapt your learning style to meet the demands of the course. Flexibility can help you absorb more information more quickly, a necessary skill in public relations where strategies often need to be pivoted with little notice.

9. Engage with the Course Material Before Classes Start

  • Prep Work: If possible, try to get a copy of the syllabus and start reviewing the first few chapters of the textbook before the course begins. This proactive approach is much like how a PR professional prepares for a campaign launch.
  • Familiarize Yourself: Understanding the course layout and expectations beforehand can give you a significant head start, similar to how PR professionals research and plan before initiating contact with the media or the public.

10. Reflect on Your Progress

  • Keep a Learning Journal: Regularly write down what you’ve learned, questions you have, and key takeaways. (TIP: Handwriting your notes can help you retain the information better and for a longer period than typing your notes.) This can enhance your learning and provide a valuable resource for review, similar to reflective practices in PR that help professionals learn from each campaign.
  • Adjust as Needed: Be prepared to adjust your strategies based on what is and isn’t working. Regular reflection can help you optimize your approach to the course, just as continual evaluation and adjustment are critical in successful public relations campaigns.


Mini-mester courses are challenging, and they offer a unique opportunity to accelerate your learning. By staying organized, managing your time effectively and staying engaged with the material, you can not only survive but thrive in this accelerated learning environment. Remember, it’s a sprint, not a marathon, and with the right strategies, you’ll cross the finish line successfully, much like how a well-executed PR campaign leads to success.

What other tips do you have for success in a mini-mester course?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT.

The Newly Refreshed PESO Model©: Discussion Questions for Public Relations Students

Early in 2024, Gini Dietrich created and published a revision to her iconic PESO Model on her blog Spin Sucks. At all of the universities where I teach as an adjunct professor, we have been using PESO Model for quite some time. I’m thrilled (yes, really) to share this revision with my students. Next week, I’ll have my Belmont University students enrolled in my Public Relations Writing II course dig into this refreshed model.

For a structured discussion in a Public Relations Writing course using the refreshed PESO model, each of four teams will focus on one component of the model — Paid, Earned, Shared or Owned — while also considering the model as a whole. Here’s a breakdown of how the discussion questions are structured for each team:

General Questions for All Teams:

  1. Integration Strategies: How can the PESO model integrate with traditional PR strategies to create a comprehensive media plan?
  2. Digital Impact: How has the rise of digital and social media reshaped the components of the PESO model?
  3. Future Evolution: Predict how the PESO model might evolve with the advancement of technology and changing media consumption habits.

Specific Questions for Each Team:

Team Paid Media:

  1. Trends in Paid Media: Discuss recent trends in paid media and how they affect the other elements of the PESO model.
  2. Effectiveness of Paid Media: How does paid media contribute to the overall goals of a PR campaign under the PESO model?
  3. Integration with Other Components: How can paid media be effectively integrated with earned, shared, and owned media?

Team Earned Media:

  1. Earning Trust: What tactics can be employed to increase trust and credibility through earned media?
  2. Challenges in Earned Media: What are some common challenges in utilizing earned media effectively, and how can these be overcome?
  3. Synergy with Other Media: How does earned media complement the efforts in paid, shared, and owned media?

Team Shared Media:

  1. Community Engagement: What are some best practices for using shared media to engage with a community or audience?
  2. Challenges in Shared Media: Discuss the challenges of maintaining brand consistency across various shared media platforms.
  3. Interaction with Other Media: How can shared media be used to amplify the effects of paid, earned, and owned media?

Team Owned Media:

  1. Content Strategy: How can owned media be optimized to improve SEO and overall brand presence online?
  2. Role of Owned Media in PESO: Discuss the strategic importance of owned media in the PESO model.
  3. Leveraging Owned for Other Media: How can owned media content be leveraged to enhance efforts in paid, earned, and shared media?

Be prepared to report back to the class. Each team will have 8-10 minutes. Each team member must speak (at least a little). Using images to help support your discussion is encouraged, but not required.

Each team will start off by tackling the general questions, giving everyone a solid grasp of the PESO model. Then, you’ll dig into their assigned media type—think trends, how it meshes with other media and all the dynamic interplays involved. This method not only broadens your understanding but also lets them specialize and really get into the nitty-gritty during their discussions.

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening


If you are a public relations educator and want to use or adapt this discussion for your own class, please feel free! I’d love to know how it goes.

The framework of this article and its discussion questions was inspired by ChatGPT.

Your A+ Triple Threat: Master Finals with Sleep, Sweat & Study Smarts

As final exams approach, students often find themselves in a whirlwind of stress and study sessions. While it’s crucial to focus on your studies, it’s equally important to maintain a healthy balance with sleep and exercise. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the challenging waters of final exams with a holistic approach to studying.

  1. Plan Your Study Schedule Wisely
    Start Early: Begin your study preparation well in advance of the exam dates. This allows you to break down the material into manageable sections and avoid last-minute cramming.
    Set Realistic Goals: Each day, set clear and achievable study goals. This could include covering certain chapters, revising specific topics, or practicing exam questions.
  2. Incorporate Active Learning Techniques
    Active Recall: Instead of just reading your notes, test yourself on the material. Flashcards, practice tests, and teaching the material to someone else are great ways to reinforce learning.
    Variety in Study Methods: Mix up your study methods to keep things interesting. Use mind maps, summaries, quizzes, and group studies to diversify your learning process.
  3. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Sleep
    Regular Sleep Schedule: Maintain a regular sleep schedule, even during intense study periods. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to ensure your brain is rested and ready to absorb information.
    Avoid All-Nighters: Pulling an all-nighter can disrupt your cognitive functions. Instead, study during your most alert hours of the day and give your brain the rest it needs at night.
  4. Incorporate Physical Activity into Your Routine
    Regular Exercise: Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. This can include walking, jogging, yoga, or any other physical activity that you enjoy.
    Exercise as a Break: Use exercise as a study break. It helps in clearing your mind, reducing stress, and improving concentration when you return to your books.
  5. Healthy Eating and Hydration
    Balanced Diet: Fuel your brain with nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid heavy, greasy foods that can make you feel sluggish.
    Stay Hydrated: Keep yourself well-hydrated with water or herbal teas. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased concentration.
  6. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
    Take Short Breaks: During long study sessions, take 5-10 minute breaks every hour. This can help in maintaining focus and retaining information.
    Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your daily routine to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
  7. Organize Your Study Space
    Clutter-Free Environment: Keep your study area clean and organized. A clutter-free space can help in reducing distractions and improving focus.
    Comfortable Setting: Ensure your study space is comfortable, well-lit, and conducive to learning.
  8. Seek Support When Needed
    Study Groups: Join or form study groups to gain different perspectives and clarify doubts.
    Tutoring Services: Don’t hesitate to seek help from tutors or professors if you’re struggling with certain topics.

    Balancing study with adequate sleep and exercise is key to successful exam preparation. Remember, your health and well-being are just as important as your grades. So, plan wisely, stay active, rest well, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your academic goals. Good luck with your finals!

What are two or three of your best tips for studying for final exams?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening

From Confused to Confident: Mastering APA Format in 10 Easy Steps

person writing on a notebook beside macbook
Photo by Judit Peter on Pexels.com

Students in my PRCM 1000 Public Relations and Media Relations Fundamentals course have just completed their first papers using American Psychological Association (APA) format. In our course, I provided them with a variety of helpful resources. While most of the students caught on quickly to using APA format, there were still quite a few who struggled with this new (to them) way of writing.

Here are some of the most common errors that these students made, with links to resources for additional information and help.

  1. Getting the Format Just Right: APA has its own style for how your paper should look. Remember to double-space, keep those margins at one inch, and use a readable font like 12-point Times New Roman. Also, don’t forget about the running head and page numbers – they’re important too.
  2. Citation Confusions: When you mention someone else’s ideas, APA wants you to include the author’s last name and the year the work was published right there in your text. It’s easy to miss one of these or get the format a bit mixed up, but with a bit of practice, you’ll get the hang of it.
  3. Reference List Hiccups: At the end of your paper, you’ll list all your sources. This part can be tricky. Each entry needs to follow APA’s rules for things like authors, titles and publication details. It’s all about getting the details right – like getting names and dates in order and using italics where needed.
  4. Title Page Troubles: Your title page is like the welcome mat of your paper. It should have your paper’s title, your name, and where you study. Sometimes there’s an author note, too. Make sure this page is neatly organized as per APA’s layout.
  5. Heading Hang-ups: APA uses specific styles for headings to organize your paper. It’s easy to get these mixed up or forget them, but they really help make your paper clear and easy to follow. (NOTE: Headings were not required for this first paper.)
  6. Abstract Angles: If you need an abstract, keep it short and sweet (150-250 words). It’s like a mini-version of your paper, highlighting the key points. (NOTE: An abstract was not required for this first paper.)
  7. Quote Quirks and Paraphrasing Pitfalls: Using quotes? Make sure you don’t overdo it and follow APA’s rules for formatting them. When you’re putting things in your own words (paraphrasing), be sure it’s really in your own words to avoid plagiarism.
  8. Plagiarism Pointers: Always give credit where it’s due. Make sure you’re citing all your sources to avoid any plagiarism pitfalls.
  9. Technical Term Tangles: APA likes it when you use the right technical terms but in a clear way. It’s about striking a balance between being accurate and being understandable.
  10. Consistency is Key: Stick to the same formatting, style and voice all through your paper. It helps in making your paper look professional and well-thought-out.

Remember, mastering APA style is a learning curve, and it’s perfectly fine to take your time to get familiar with it. Use resources like the APA manual, online guides or your campus writing center. And always, always proofread your work. You’ve got this! ?

What questions do you have about APA style? Please let me know. I’m happy to help!

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening


The framework of this article was inspired by ChatGPT.

New to PR? Avoid These Typical News Release Errors

When you’re drafting a news release, the devil’s in the details, especially with AP style. It’s a bit like Goldilocks: not too hot, not too cold, but just right. For example, get your dateline city names in ALL CAPS. It’s a spotlight on where the action is happening. And those state abbreviations? They’re not a free-for-all; they’ve got to match AP’s specific style.

Headlines, though? They’re more of a low-key affair. Stick to sentence case—only the first word and proper nouns earn the right to a capital letter. It’s like a calm handshake compared to a high-five. And when releasing your news, timing is everything. “For Immediate Release” can scream urgency, but sometimes a specific date whispers professionalism.

Remember, too, that active voice is your friend. It strides confidently into the room, while passive voice might just hover at the door. These aren’t just tips; they’re the threads that weave your news release into a tapestry of credibility. Let’s zoom in and fine-tune these elements, ensuring your news release hits all the right notes with the precision of a professional.

Common Errors to Avoid

Below are some more of the most common errors I tend to see in the first news releases written by public relations students.

  • Forgetting that a news release needs to be NEWSWORTHY
  • AP style errors, most notably including a serial comma, capitalizing titles after a name and improper abbreviations
  • Some cities don’t need states in the dateline.
  • Missing a strong summary lede
  • Missing the nut graf
  • Missing required elements, such as end marks, contact information and boilerplate content
  • Including exclamation points unless they are part of a quotation from a source
  • Using I/we/our, unless you are using a direct quotation. The story should read as though it is from a journalist, not a PR practitioner or the client.
  • Editorializing in a news story.
  • Failing to use a quotation or two to liven up the story

So what’s the best way to avoid these errors? Read news releases from written by public relations practitioners. And just like getting to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.

PR Pros & Journalists: What other mistakes do you tend to see new public relations writers make?

Signature Block: Barbara is Listening

Image Credit: Created using DALL-E 3