Poynter’s NewsU Courses Benefit PR Writers

For fall semester’s PR Writing courses that I’m teaching for Southeastern University & Georgia Southern University, I am again augmenting my own content and our textbook with several courses offered by Poynter’s NewsU.

Here are the courses we’ll be using:

When you have finished with each course, be sure to send me your Course Report. The short screencast below shows you now.  Have the report come to my university e-mail address. (NOTE: This screencast was recorded earlier this year, so some of the dates are old, though the process remains the same.)

View on screencast.com »

For some courses, you’ll blog about what you learned as a Topic of the Week. For the ones that are not required as TOWs, you can choose to have them be PR Connections, if you wish.

[NOTE: Complete the NewsU quiz for the course & submit your Course Report by Saturday midnight during the week it’s assigned.]

