PRCA 3711/4711 Trade Book Review Assignment

Stacked by Thomas Hawk.For my PRCA 3711/4711 Students:

One of our assignments this semester is for you to read and review a trade book on public relations. In the left sidebar of this blog is a list of books for you to choose from. (You can also see this complete list at my Public Relations Trade Books page that I created for you.)

Your book review will take the form of a 5-minute presentation in class. For your presentation, create a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation. Rely more on images to tell your story than bullet points. (We’ll discuss more in class about how not to create a “Death by PowerPoint” slidedeck.)

Your presentation should include:

  • Opening slide should include an image of the book’s cover
  • Short bio of the author(s) of the book (perhaps with a photo of the author)
  • What did you learn by reading this book?
  • What surprised you in this book?
  • What do you want to learn more about, now that this book has piqued your interest?
  • Would you recommend other students to also read this book? Why or why not?

Once you choose the book, reply with a comment to this blog post so that you can “claim” the book for yourself; unless you are working in pairs, only one student should review each book on the list.  (If you work in pairs, both individuals will earn the same grade on the assignment.)


  • If you have a blog (and if not, why not?), please consider uploading your book review to SlideShare and embedding the slides in your blog.
  • If you’re using Twitter, search for the authors of your book there and connect with them. You may be surprised how willing most of them are to reply to you when you @ them.
  • Leave a comment about your thoughts on the book on the author’s blog.

Questions about this assignment?
